Aïn Defla
Aïn Defla
- Code:
- 44
- Name in arabic:
- عين الدفلى
- Name in english:
- Aïn Defla
- Name in berber:
- ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⴰⵢⵜ ⵏ ⵄⵉⵏ-ⴷⴼⵍⴰ
- Phone Code:
- 027
- Zip code:
- 44000
- Population:
- 766 013 hab
- Area :
- 489 700 ha = 4 897 km2
Presentation of the wilaya:
The wilaya of Aïn Defla (in Arabic: ولاية عين الدفلى; in Berber: ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⴰⵢⵜ ⵏ ⵄⵉⵏ-ⴷⴼⵍⴰ) is an Algerian wilaya (administrative division) located in the north of the country.
The wilaya of Aïn Defla is located in central Algeria 145 km southwest of Algiers in an area connecting the east and the west of the country, it is bordered: to the north, by the wilaya of Tipaza; to the northeast, by the wilaya of Blida; to the east, by the wilaya of Médéa; to the south, by the wilaya of Tissemsilt; to the west, by the wilaya of Chlef. Wilayas bordering the wilaya of Aïn Defla Wilayas bordering the wilaya of Aïn Defla Wilaya of Tipaza Wilaya of Blida Wilaya of Chlef wilaya of Aïn Defla Wilaya of Médéa Wilaya of Tissemsilt Wilayas
Agriculture is the main activity of the inhabitants, the wilaya is ranked first nationally in the production of potatoes, of which it supplies 30% of the national market. The agricultural area represents more than half of the total area of the wilaya. The forests are mainly covered with Aleppo pine, holm oak and cedar.
The wilaya of Aïn Defla has the Ghrib dam on its territory.
Water resources:
Arib dam;
Ouled Mellouk dam;
Ghrib dam;
Derder dam;
Harezza dam.
The wilaya of Aïn Defla includes the following dams:
It covers an area of 4544.28 km2 with an estimated population on 12/31/2011 of 809 106 inhabitants. i.e. a density of 178 inhab./km2. It is administratively limited by 05 wilayas:
In the north, the wilaya of TIPAZA
In the North-East, the wilaya of BLIDA
In the East, the wilaya of MEDEA
In the West, the wilaya of CHELEF
In the south, the wilaya of TISSEMSSIT
The wilaya of AIN-DEFLA has a semi-arid Mediterranean climate with a very marked continental character and a temperature difference of 20 ° C between the temperatures of January and that of August. Summer lasts about 5 to 6 months with warm air masses starting in May. The rainfall remains variable and reaches 500 to 600 mm / year. A series of climatic stages ranging from sub-arid at the bottom of the valley to sub-humid on the reliefs. This situation is linked to the orography: the higher the altitude, the more humid the floor. The same goes for the summits which touch the reliefs of more than 600m of altitude.
Agriculture is the main activity of the inhabitants, the wilaya is ranked first nationally in the production of potatoes, of which it supplies 30% of the national market18. The agricultural area represents more than half of the total area of the wilayaa 3. The forests are mainly covered with Aleppo pine, holm oak and cedar.
Basic road infrastructure:
Length of the national road: 310.620 Km
Length of the road in the wilaya: 795,027 km
Length of the municipal road: 1,856.26 km
Length of the railway: 92,600 km
Agricultural land area: 181,676 Ht
Urban land area: 6,377.69 Ht
Forest area: 232,709.40 Ht
Number and name of dams:
The wilaya of Ain Defla has five dams
- Sidi M’hamed Bentaiba dam
- Ouled Melouk dam
- Ghrib dam
- Derder dam
- Haraza dam
35 Limestone quarries for the production of aggregates including 18 in operation, 12 shutdown and 05 planned 08 Clay quarries including 06 in operation, 02 in project 07 Construction sand quarries including 04 in operation and 02 in shutdown and 01 planned 01 Iron mine 01 Travertine quarry planned 01 Gypsum quarry planned 02 Units in exploration stage (01 sand, 01 clays) BASIC ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATIVE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURES: Area of industrial zones: 18,213 , 75 km² Number of industrial zones: 01 in Ain defla Number of activity zones: 06 Number of university centers: 01 University of Khemis Miliana NUMBER OF HOSPITALS AND NUMBER OF MEDICAL DISPENSARIES: 04: Hospitals 36: Clinics 127: Treatment rooms
08: Hotels
01: Youth center
Administrative city, rue 19 Mars, Ain Defla, Algeria
Contact details of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Aïn Defla
CCIZ / Zaccar Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Address:
- Administrative city, rue 19 Mars, Ain Defla, Algeria
- Email:
- Mobile:
- There is no primary mobile phone
- Landline number:
027 50 45 78
- Fax:
027 50 45 78
- Viber:
- There is no viber account
- Work hours:
- We don't have this information.