- Code:
- 11
- Name in arabic:
- تمنراست
- Name in english:
- Tamanrasset
- Name in berber:
- ⵜⵣ'ⵓⵏⵜ ⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵏⵗⴰⵙⵜ
- Phone Code:
- 029
- Zip code:
- 11000
- Population:
- 176 637 hab.
- Area :
- 557 906 km2
Presentation of the wilaya
The wilaya of Tamanrasset (in Berber : ⵜⵣ ' ⵓⵏⵜ ⵏ ⴰⴾⴰⵍ ⵜⴰⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵏⵗⴰⵙⵜ ; in Arabic : ولاية تمنراست ), is an Algerian wilaya located in the center of the Sahara , in the far south of Algeria.
a vast arid land, in the middle of the Algerian Sahara, it is the capital of Hoggar, it remains the favorite destination of European and especially German tourism. The city of Tamanghasset is an essential axis for nomads and Tuaregs, who roam the dunes, the regs of the Sahara, from Mali to Niger passing through Chad and Libya.
The wilaya is divided into 3 districts ( daïras ), which are further divided into 5 communes or municipalities.
The wilaya of Tamanrasset is the largest wilaya of Algeria in area. It is delimited :
- to the north, by the wilaya of In Salah
- to the northeast, by the wilaya of Illizi
- to the east, by the wilayas of Illizi and Djanet
- to the west, by the wilayas of Adrar and Bordj Badji Mokhtar
- to the south, by the wilaya of In Guezzam
- to the southeast, by Niger
The geomorphology of the wilaya distinguishes the Tidikelt plateau to the north, covered with sand and with a very harsh climate, and the Hoggar ( Ahaggar ) to the south, a mountain range where the temperatures are milder. The wilaya is home to the highest peak in Algeria, Mount Tahat at an altitude of 3,003 m located in the mountain range of Hoggar .
Weather :
Located in the center of the Hoggar , at 1,400 meters above sea level, Tamanrasset enjoys a temperate and dry climate, with temperatures ranging between -8 degrees and 35 degrees Celsius.
Commercial activity in the city is lively, especially in its markets.
Tamanrasset has also established itself as a pivotal city between the northern Mediterranean and gateway to Europe, the Sahara of caravans and West Africa in full economic and demographic development.
Agricultural Potentials
Livestock at the wilaya level includes camels, sheep and goats. The wilaya has a limited agricultural area. We can cite phoeniciculture (oasis agriculture) which covers 5,559 ha and arboriculture ( 1,227 ha).
There are through the territory of the wilaya of Tamanrasset no less than 293 boreholes including 202 in service ; which makes it possible to have a drinking water supply (AEP) coverage rate of 95 %. For sanitation, the rate is 91 %.
This wilaya includes the following dams :
- Dam of Oued In Amguel.
Road network
- National Roads (km): 2,578
- National roads (km): 472
- Municipal roads (km): 3,358
- 08 artistic installations on national roads
- 02 technical installations on national roads
- Technical development on communal roads 01
Airport facilities :
- Tamanrasset Agnar-Hajj Bey Ahamo International Airport
Education :
In terms of primary and secondary education, the wilaya of Tamanrasset includes for the 2011/2012 school year : 139 primary schools, 135 middle schools (CEM) and 14 high schools. As for students enrolled, the number at the start of the 2011 school year is estimated at 51,554 enrolled, including 27,486 in primary schools, 18,152 in CEMs and 5,907 in high schools.
The wilaya has 2 hospitals, 19 polyclinics and 56 treatment rooms
The wilaya of Tamanrasset has five hotels, 11 campsites and 67 travel and tourism agencies. In addition, the wilaya includes two areas of tourist extension: 46.7 ha at the level of Tamanrasset and 23 ha at Idles . The number of foreign tourists having stayed in the wilaya amounted to 8,643 people in 2005 (against 3,237 in 2000).
Avenue du 1er novembre.Ksar El Fougani, Tamanrasset, Algeria
Contact details of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
CCIH / Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hoggar
- Address:
- Avenue du 1er novembre.Ksar El Fougani, Tamanrasset, Algeria
- Email:
- Mobile:
- There is no primary mobile phone
- Landline number:
029 31 13 90
029 31 13 92
029 31 13 91
- Fax:
029 31 13 90
029 31 13 92
029 31 13 91
- Viber:
- There is no viber account
- Work hours:
- We don't have this information.