Comintal / Compagnie des Infrastructures de Telecom Algerie Rue Larbi Adssalem.Ain Taya - Annuaire des Entreprises Algériennes El Mouchir

Comintal / Compagnie des Infrastructures de Telecom Algerie

Rue Larbi Adssalem.Ain Taya
Sectors and Activities:
Algiers Member: 2 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)


Rue Larbi Adssalem.Ain Taya






There is no primary mobile phone There is no primary mobile phone


Landline number:

023 87 65 33

023 87 64 18


023 87 56 01

There is no viber account
Work hours:
We don't have this information.

COMINTAL (formerly AETC) was created in 2007 to operate and manage the excess dark fibre in the optical networks of its shareholders. To make them available to its customers in order to ensure better quality in terms of service continuity and reliability.

Since its creation, COMINTAL has maintained its role as a supplier of dark fibre optics by procuring superior fibre optic networks throughout the country.

The operation of these networks by our customer (Algérie Télécom) as a backup of its network, allows it to provide a service with a minimum of interruptions to its customers, this is considered to be COMINTAL's greatest asset.

The goal of the company is:

  • To manage the excess capacity made available to it by its shareholders, and by any publicly owned company other than public operators;

  • To provide telecommunications services for the benefit of telecommunications service providers and TIC operators who are licensed or authorized to establish telecommunications networks open to the public.

  • To develop and build all types of infrastructure that may be part of telecommunications networks.

  • To elaborate and carry out, on behalf of the various public and private operators, engineering and follow-up studies for the implementation of telecommunication networks.

  • To carry out maintenance work on all types of telecommunication networks.

  • To provide, for the benefit of various public and private customers, telecommunications services including Internet access and plus-value services.

  • To commercialize the capabilities of :

    • Dark Optical Fibers (strands).

    • Bandwidth.

    • Carriers of fibre optics (pipes / aerial bearings).

Products and Services

Number of workers
We don't have this information.
Year of starting activity
We don't have this information.
We don't have this information.

Company nature

    Service provider

Legal form

    Stock company



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